Make an appointment with our roofer

Schedule an appointment for a visit from our roofer

Does your roof need maintenance, suspect a leak or want your roof completely redone? Then get in touch with VIP Roofing Service. We are a team of several roofers with a wealth of experience, with which we also solve the problems on your roof in no time.


Making an appointment

Working Method VIP Dakservice

Gratis Dakinspectie

1. Free roof inspection

Through a free roof inspection, we locate any problems and can use photos to get a good idea of the work needed. We can often make minor repairs right away.

bezoek icon

1a. Review options on location in Hedel

Does your roof need partial or complete renovation? Then you must be curious about the possibilities and what it could look like. At our location in Hedel you are welcome to come and see everything with your own eyes.

Offerte maken

2. Quote

Based on the roof inspection we have done, we make recommendations on what needs to be done on your roof. With a personalized quote, you get an immediate idea of the cost.

Inplannen opdracht

3. Scheduling assignment

Is the quote agreed to? Then we grab the calendars and immediately set a date to fix the work.

Plan van aanpak

4. Performing assignment

The time has come, we’re going up on your roof to take care of the rest of your roof as well.

Plan van aanpak

5. Evaluation

Upon completion of the work, we are happy to meet again to discuss the entire process.

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